Aquaveo GMS Premium v10.0.8


GMS is the most intuitive and capable software platform used to create groundwater and subsurface simulations in a 3D environment. Speed up & simplify model building with the conceptual model approach in GMS We pioneered conceptual modeling and have refined it over many years. That's why GMS is the quickest and most intuitive groundwater modeling interface available. Construct a high level representation of the model using familiar GIS objects: points, arcs and polygons and easily update the model as needed. 3D visualization optimized for performance GMS is the most advanced software system available for performing groundwater simulations in a three-dimensional environment. Interact with models in true 3D Optimized OpenGL graphics for improved hardware rendering Create photo-realistic renderings Generate animations for PowerPoint or web presentations Drape images over the model and control the opacity Annotations – Add north arrows, scale bars, reference images, company logos, and more Import a variety of data formats & imagery Models require data from many different sources. That’s why GMS is built to easily import numerous file types: Raster images including georeference and projection support Topographical maps & elevation data Borehole data including stratigraphy and geophysical data Native MODFLOW files MODFLOW files from Visual MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas and PM Win Web data services such as TerraServer ArcGIS geodatabases and shapefiles CAD files including .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf formats Worldwide projection support including Cartesian and Geographic Systems File Import wizard for delimited text files and spreadsheets


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